What is time and how important is it to you?? The one thing that always bothers me is people who do not respect time, their’s as well as mine. Whenever I have a meeting or a class or a workshop or an event, anything, I always reach the venue 15- 30 minutes earlier. To achieve this I follow a few things like prioritizing, planning, preparing and proceeding, you can call it 4 P’s.

I keep telling my students or participants too, People who do not value time never achieve anything or fulfill their dreams. Once gone time never comes back. It is like a perishable good, has no life span other than that moment, using it or wasting it is in our hands.

Investing in time is more fruitful that spending time. Think, socho.

will be back after a small break, now small has its own definition.

Stay safe and stay blessed

I am back. wow that was a long break. hoping you all are investing in time and not spending it.